Among the regions of the Primorsky Territory, which can be safely called the leaders of dairy production, we can single out, first of all, the administrative center of Ussuriysk.
Not behind the Ussuri strikers and Khorol. As noted in the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Primorsky Territory, analysts of the agro-industrial complex of the region specializing in statistics on animal husbandry and dairy production.
Based on the available data, it was concluded that one and a half cows of the region produce an average of five and a half tons of milk annually.
It will not be superfluous to note that by the first of May of this year, coastal cows were able to demonstrate the wonders of milking and put at the disposal of milk processing enterprises more than thirty-four thousand tons of milk from the beginning of 2019.
It should also be recalled that the head of the regional administration of Primorye, Oleg Kozhemyako, this year ordered to supply students of the region’s elementary school with a glass of high-quality milk daily throughout the school year.